Conversations I Have With My Characters: That Time JD Tried to Murder Me

I recently posted about conversations I have with my characters and that sometimes, (who am I kidding – MOST OF THE TIME) they get their own way. I was happy to oblige Dutchy and ultimately, I know that the story for Blackstone Ranger Guardian turned out so much better than I originally thought.

But what about when your characters threatened to MURDER YOU?


And of course, it was J.D. McNamara. Here’s how that conversation went:

Me, after finishing Chief (flexing my fingers): The End! Ah! Another series started and four more books to go!

A voice: Five.

Me: Excuse me? (looks around)

Voice: You have FIVE more books to write in this series.

Me: Who said that?

JD (jumps out of the laptop): FIVE MORE! You have to write MY book in this series!

Me: Whoa where did you come from? And what do you mean I have to write your book! You’re a plot device!

JD: Listen to me, you $#%@*& writer! You’re going to write my book, or else! (Flashes her claws and teeth)

Me: (slowly backing away from the laptop) Uh … all right.

JD: Good! Oh and make sure it’s a Christmas one.

D: Yeah, I love Christmas!

Me: You do? You never told me that!!


Blackstone Ranger Scrooge
Blackstone Ranger Scrooge


And that’s how Blackstone Ranger Scrooge came to be!

Since it’s almost Christmas, why not go ahead and give it a re-read on Kindle Unlimited (or get your own copy?)






Conversations I Have With My Characters: Dutchy