Dragon Guard Crusader: Chapter One Preview

Chapter One

Dragon Guard Crusader Preview 

Raw and Unedited
Subject to Change


Chapter One

About three years ago…

As soon as he spied land from afar, Thoralf knew he was almost home.


Such a strange thought, this idea of home, especially after two years of traveling the globe. In his time in the outside world, he’d stayed in many kinds of dwellings—from grand mansions to the humblest huts. But not all of them had been homes. No, there was more to the idea of a home than just walls and a roof.

It was fortuitous that today would be the day he came back—Rorik’s wedding day. He didn’t plan it, but perhaps it was a sign from the gods. His friend didn’t know Thoralf was arriving of course; he did not want the captain of the Dragon Guard to worry, especially today. So, Thoralf decided he would remain Cloaked and watch the ceremony. Only Aleksei knew that he was coming. The news he brought was urgent, but they had already waited for two years, so what was another few hours, especially since it was a special day for Rorik?

Thoralf landed just outside Helgeksar Palace, seat of the king of the Northern Isles. Even after all this time, it was strange to think of Aleksei as king. After all, he was practically a brother to him, having grown up with him when Thoralf became a ward of then-King Harald.

Guilt gripped him, freezing him in his steps as he approached the palace. It was his fault that King Harald had to step down. Thoralf should have protected him that day, when The Knights attacked with The Wand.

It should have been me.

He gripped the satchel in his right hand tightly. Soon, he would make up for his failure. He would restore his king’s dragon. At least, now he had the solution.

Sort of.

There was still one more piece to the puzzle. And there was only one person who could help.

After all this time, her beautiful face face remained clear in his memory, despite the fact he’d last seen her as she lay in the hospital bed, recovering from her injuries. His blood chilled each time he recalled finding her, hidden under the pile of bodies. Those were memories he did not dwell on. Rather, he focused on her.

He remembered staying with her as she lay there, staring into the distance. Even when her eyes grew heavy with sleep, he stayed with her, unable to leave.

As long as it takes.

Thoralf didn’t know the meaning of his own words. They just … came out. But he recalled staying in that room until King Harald called for him a few hours later. He could not deny his king after all, but he remembered feeling conflicted. His desire to ensure she would not wake up alone clashed with his duty as Captain of the Dragon Guard.

Little did he know he would never see her again after that.

The sounds of a string orchestra playing the wedding march jolted him back to the present. He followed the melody, all the way to the back of the palace, to the great lawn that had been decorated for the occasion.

Aleksei, he called. I am here.

Just in time, Aleksei replied. Are you sure you want to wait to announce yourself?

I am. Let Rorik and his mate have their day of happiness.

All right. When you’re ready, just call.

I will, my friend.

Thoralf settled himself in the back, far away enough so as not to alert anyone else with enhanced senses, but close enough so he could observe his friends.

From his viewpoint, he could see Aleksei as he stood on the dais, where he would perform the ceremony. Beside him was Rorik waiting for his bride. Thoralf smiled to himself as he saw the Dragon Guard looking around nervously. When Thoralf had handed the duties of captain over to him, Rorik had been confident that he would be up to the task, though Thoralf had to remind him that there was more to it than just leading the rest of the guard. But, Thoralf knew he made the right choice choosing Rorik as his replacement and from what he heard, he’d met and exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Sitting right up front were the twins. Though they looked exactly alike, they were as different as night and day. The cold, intellectual Gideon never let anyone past the high walls he had around himself, while frivolous Niklas wore his heart on his sleeve. But even though he’d only spoken with them through video chat the last two years, he could tell the two of them had found the middle ground between their extreme personalities. Gideon seemed more loose and carefree these days, while Niklas was more focused.

And finally, towering over all of the guests even as he was seated, was Stein. Thoralf had never known a more serious person, but also fiercely loyal. He was a terror on the battlefield and just one stone-faced look from him could send anyone fleeing. That’s why it seemed strange to see the tenderness on his face as he looked down at the pretty, petite woman next him.

Thoralf suppressed the laugh building inside him and shook his head. Lady Vera Solveigson and Stein? There was no odder couple in existence, yet watching them gaze lovingly at each other, they seemed like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together. He was truly happy for Stein for having claimed his mate, but even he did not anticipate such an event happening; after all, Stein had even less interactions with women than Thoralf did.

The music began, and the crowd sent silent. Thoralf relaxed and watched the ceremony unfold.

Despite not participating in the merriment, Thoralf enjoyed himself as he watched the reception from the side lines. He laughed at his friends’ antics, and for a little while, he forgot his troubles. It was obvious everyone there too—especially his friends—needed the distraction of such a joyous occasion. Rorik, especially, looked nothing short of radiant as he danced with his bride and laughed with his new stepson. Even from afar he could see the difference in his friend; in fact he saw it in all of them, and he could guess that had something to do with finding their fated mates.

A deep longing sigh came from within him as his dragon watched its compatriots with envy. 


Thoralf had never been one to want what others had. He was contented with his life as ward of the king and then later, a Dragon Guard. Did he wish he grew up with his parents? Of course, any child did. But King Harald and Aleksei never made him feel unwanted, which was why it was an honor to protect them. Still, he often wondered what what would have happened if his mother and father had lived and he grew up like any normal Water Dragon.

Thoralf? Aleksei’s voice interrupted his thoughts. Are you still here?

Yes, I am.

The party’s mostly winding down and Rorik said Poppy’s ready to head back home soon. I think it’s time to let everyone know you’re here.

Thoralf slapped his forehead. I did not realize that of course … after the wedding, the bride and groom would want some time alone. Let’s wait until morning.

Aleksei chuckled. Do not worry about it. Poppy looks ready to collapse after the stress of the wedding week. I’m sure they have nothing planned for tonight except sleep.

Are you quite sure? Perhaps you should ask Rorik first.

Of course. But we should meet, regardless. Why don’t you head inside and wait for me to call you?

I will.

A wave of nostalgia hit Thoralf as he entered the palace and distant memories echoed in his thoughts. Running down the halls with Aleksei, hiding from the nanny, playing swords and accidentally knocking down that very old vase that used to stand by the staircase—and both of them getting punished for it because Aleksei refused to name him as the culprit. He continued wandering the quiet hallways until he heard Aleksei’s voice once again.

I’ve called everyone to the library. I’ll see you there, my friend.

Thoralf made his way to the opposite wing of the palace, taking his time as more memories continued to flood his brain. He wanted to make sure everyone got there before him. They would all surely have the same questions, so it would be best to answer them all once they were all together.

Thoralf? came Rorik’s voice in his head. You are here?

The familiar sound of his friend’s voice comforted Thoralf. Yes, I am here. Forgive me for concealing my presence these last few hours.

There is nothing to forgive, came the booming reply. But why did you not announce yourself, my friend? You could have joined us for the wedding and the reception, and met my bride and my new son.

I did not want to disrupt this day—yours and your bride’s day, he replied. Besides, I watched the ceremony from afar and to me, that it the most important part.

Rorik did not reply right away, but he guessed it had something to do with the voices he heard as he drew nearer to the library. He paused, waiting for their conversation to play out.

“ … I’m not an invalid,” Queen Sybil said, her tone obviously annoyed. “And by the way—you weren’t going to call me to this ‘urgent meeting,’ were you? I had to hear it from Annika.”

Rorik cleared his throat. “Your Majesties, please. Everyone else has been waiting for this news.”

King Aleksei’s scowl didn’t dissipate, but he nodded anyway. “Call him in.”

You heard His Majesty …

Thoralf took a deep breath.

“Your Majesties,” he greeted as he entered and placed his right hand over his heart and bowed. And my friends, he added to the others in the room. Aside from Stein, Gideon, and Niklas, the newest members of the Dragon Guard, Ranulf and Magnus were beside them, both of whom acknowledged him with a respectful nod.

“Thoralf!” Gideon exclaimed. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in Antigua?”

“I was,” he explained. “But I discovered something over there. Something that may finally bring us the cure to The Wand and defeat the Knights.”

“What is it?” King Aleksei demanded. “Tell us.”

“I promise, I will.” And now was the part he was most reluctant to reveal. But he had no choice. “But first, we must speak to Lady Willa.” Does she still stay at the cottage? he asked Aleksei.

Of course, the king answered.

Good. Thoralf didn’t know why, but he was comforted that she had made her new home in that particular place. Something about it seemed so … right.

“Who?” It was the female dragon who spoke. Annika Strombreaker. Mate to Niklas.

Thoralf met the gazes of the king, queen, and his fellow Dragon Guards. They didn’t even need to use their mind link to know what each was thinking—that such a short question required a long and complicated answer.

“We have much to explain,” the king finally said. “And I apologize, Lady Vera. You shouldn’t have to bear this burden along with us.”

Thoralf didn’t even realize that Stein’s mate was in the room. From what he’d heard from Gideon, Lady Vera had changed a lot in the years he’d been gone.

“I am your loyal subject, Your Majesties,” the lady declared. “And your enemies are mine. My duty as a citizen of the Northern Isles is no burden.”

Her words surprised Thoralf, as the highborn lady had always been somewhat of a snob who never thought of anyone but herself. But from the way Stein beamed at her, it was obvious that Lady Vera had indeed, grown up and changed for the better.

“You should come with us then,” the queen said. “Lady Willa will need all the support we can give her.”

Thoralf’s chest tightened at the words. Finally, after years of roaming the earth, he would finally get to see her.

He only hoped the news he brought would be welcomed.


Dragon Guard Crusader

Releases July 6, 2022



responses to “Dragon Guard Crusader: Chapter One Preview” 4

  1. Once again I am sucked into the story. Good thing July Is just around the corner, because I can’t wait for the book to come out.

  2. Amazing I was hooked from the first words. I can’t wait for this story 😍

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